Contact Information:
Psychology Department
Millikin University
423E Shilling Hall
1184 W. Main Street
Decatur, IL 62522
Office: 217-424-6396
Email: [email protected]
Collinsworth, L.L. (2009, August). “Just let me do my job”: Sexual harassment in the workplace. In L.L. Collinsworth (Chair), "I simply wanted him to stop": Coping with sexual harassment. Symposium conducted at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.
Garrison, M.E., Kohlman, S.M., & Collinsworth, L.L. (2009, August). Coping with sexual harassment in high school. In L.L. Collinsworth (Chair), "I simply wanted him to stop": Coping with sexual harassment. Symposium conducted at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.
Larsen, S., Lawson, A., Braun, K.D., & Collinsworth, L.L. (2009, August). Managing the manager: Sexual harassment in housing. In L.L. Collinsworth (Chair), "I simply wanted him to stop": Coping with sexual harassment. Symposium conducted at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.
Fitzgerald, L.F., Collinsworth, L.C., Larsen, S., Lawson, A.K., Perry, L.A., & Wright, C.V. (2006, May). The contribution of previous victimization to MMPI-2 Clinical and RC Scale profiles of sexual harassment plaintiffs. Paper presented at the 41st Annual Symposium on MMPI-2/ MMPI-A Research, Minneapolis, MN.
Lawson, A.K., Wright, C.V., Collinsworth, L.C., & Fitzgerald, L.F. (2006, May). Examining the RC Scales with sexual harassment litigants. Paper presented at the 41st Annual Symposium on MMPI-2/ MMPI-A Research, Minneapolis, MN.
Ormerod, A.J., Fitzgerald, L.F., Collinsworth, L.L., Lawson, A.K., Lytell, M. Perry, L.A., & Wright, C.V. (2005, Nov.). Sexual assault in the military: Context factors and measurement issues. In A. R. Lancaster (Chair), United States Military Sexual Harassment and Assault Research and Initiatives. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the International Military Testing Association, Singapore.
Fitzgerald, L.F., Ormerod, A.J., Collinsworth, L.L., Lawson, A.K., Lytell, M. Perry, L.A., & Wright, C.V. (2005, Nov.). The measurement of sexual harassment in the U.S. Armed Forces: A model program of research. In A. R. Lancaster (Chair), United States Military Sexual Harassment and Assault Research and Initiatives. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the International Military Testing Association, Singapore.
Collinsworth, L.L., & Lytell, M.C. (2005, Aug.). Satisfaction with sexual harassment investigations in the military. In L.L. Collinsworth (Chair), Innovations in Sexual Harassment Research in the Military. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
Ormerod, A., Collinsworth, L.L., & Perry, L.A. (2005, Aug.). Sexual harassment, climate, appraisal: Relation to well-being and educational outcomes. In A. Ormerod and L.L. Collinsworth (Co-Chairs), New Issues in High School Sexual Harassment.Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
Collinsworth, L.L., Wright, C.V., & Fitzgerald, L.F. (2005, June). Managing the manager: Coping with sexual harassment in housing. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of Law and Society, Las Vegas, NV.
Collinsworth, L.L. & Wright, C.V. (2005, Feb.). Out of sight but not out of mind: The role of previous victimization in PTSD outcomes. In L.L. Collinsworth (Chair), Making Matters Worse: Factors Affecting the Outcome of Trauma Survivors. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the Association of Women in Psychology, Tampa, FL.
Fitzgerald, L.F., Collinsworth, L.C., Ormerod, A., & Sims, C. (2004). White collar blues: The causes and consequences of sex discrimination against professional women. In L.F. Fitzgerald (Chair), Old Wine, New Bottles: Sexual Harassment and Women’s Career Development. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, IL.
Reed, M., Collinsworth, L.L., Fitzgerald, L.F., & Colbert, C. (2001). Sexual harassment in housing. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for the Study of Traumatic Stress, New Orleans, LA.
Fitzgerald, L.F., Ormerod, A., & Collinsworth, L.F. (2001). A model of trauma in sexual harassment: Stimulus, individual, and contextual influences. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for the Study of Traumatic Stress, New Orleans, LA.
Collinsworth, L.L., Fitzgerald, L.F., & Drasgow, F. (2001). What’s at stake? The impact of personal and financial vulnerability on the outcomes of sexual harassment. Annual Conference of American Psychological Society, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Collinsworth, L.L., & Fitzgerald, L.F. (2001). It IS as bad as you think: Cognitive schema disruption in sexual harassment victims. Annual conference of Association of Women in Psychology, Los Angeles, CA.
Fitzgerald, L.F., Palmieri, P., Harned, M., & Collinsworth, L.L. (1999). Who counts? A rational-empirical method for determining sexual harassment in the military. Annual meeting of the International Military Testing Association, Monterey, CA.
Ramos, A. Collinsworth, L.L., & Fitzgerald, L.F. (1998). The effects of previous sexual abuse or assault on evaluations of sexual harassment: An analogue study. Presented at the Annual Conference of International Society for Traumatic Stress in Washington, D.C.
Mazzeo, S., Collinsworth, L.L., & Fitzgerald, L.F. (1998). MMPI-2 profiles of plaintiffs in sexual harassment litigation: A cluster analysis. Round table at Annual Conference of American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Langhout, R., Williams, J.H., & Collinsworth, L.L. (1998). Negotiating the work-family interface: The case of female attorneys. Presented at Annual Meeting of Law and Society, Aspen, CO.
Mazzeo, S.E., Grzegorek, J.F., Buchanan, N.T., Carroll, C.E., Collinsworth, L.L., Ramos, A., & Fitzgerald, L.F. (1997). Psychological test profiles of women in sexual harassment litigation. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Collinsworth, L.L. (1997). Sexual harassment in high school. Annual Conference of Association of Women in Psychology, Pittsburgh, PA.
American Psychological Association
Association of Women in Psychology
Champaign Area Psychological Society, President, Current